Tracking and analytics
Tracking and reporting services

Web analytics services have been around almost since the dawn of the website, but modern platforms can gather a truly mind-boggling amount of data. So much data in fact, that it’s sometimes hard to know which metrics you should really be focusing your attention on!

That’s where we come in. Our team can help you to make decisions about which information means something to your business, and help you to set goals to measure it against. We can also help you to better organise your data into easy to read dashboards and reports.

It’s often hard to know where to start with data. Book in a free analytics health check with one of our experts to understand how to improve your measurement, and save yourself time.

Google Analytics
The most popular web analytics

Google Analytics has been around since 2011, and its generous array of free tracking tools has made it the most commonly used service in the world by quite a large margin.  It’s estimated that over half of all sites on the internet are currenting using it.

What’s important to us, is that our clients make use of analytics to both inform their decisions, but also measure the success of those decisions. Almost any online activity has an associated metric, and provides almost instant confirmation that your recent campaign or content changes are working.

Have a chat with our Google certified analytics experts about building a measurement model that matches your goals.


Google Data Studio
Visualise your data

A more recent addition to the Google roster is the powerful yet intuitive Data Studio dashboard platform. It’s possible to pull in almost any source of data and turn it into a visually pleasing report.

We’ve built hundreds of snazzy reports for a wide range of purposes, so why not see if we can help you organise your data?

Google Tag Manager
Next-level tracking

Google Analytics is great, but it does have certain limitations when it comes to easily implementing custom tracking. Google Tag Manager fills this gap, and opens up a whole new world of tracking.

Want to know exactly where customers scroll to on a page, or which buttons they click? Tag Manager can complete the puzzle and make your reports incredibly accurate.

Our team of Google certified tracking experts can help you to leverage this powerful extra tracking.

Great Data, Great decisions
For us, reporting is as important as great campaign management

As an agency, we have a responsibility to our clients to create great-performing campaigns and strategies. For us, the only way to know we’ve done a good job is by creating reports with the right metrics and seeing happy client faces.

The same is true for anyone in a marketing, user experience or development role. Backing up your decisions with verified data is a great way to work, and it’s incredibly satisfying to see great results on your own custom dashboard.

The sections above are very Google-focused we know, but we also have experience with other analytics and reporting tools that you might use day to day. Have a chat with us about your data setup, and we’ll let you know how we can help.

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